Friday, February 24, 2017

My 10-Day Juice Cleanse - Day 1

I am notoriously susceptible to advertisements, fads, and whims. A lifetime of impulsive decision making has left me with a lot of really crazy anecdotes, great memories, a plethora of life-experiences, and several volumes of regret. All these fabulous and not-so-fabulous events will be fodder for some of my future memoirs. In the meantime, I will share my current obsession: juicing.

Last Sunday night, I watched the documentary "Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead." It documents the 60-day juice fast of an Australian businessman, Joe Cross, who was, as the title implies, overweight and suffering the physical consequences of his size.

I immediately ordered a juicer, glass storage bottles, and a 24 bottles of cold-pressed fresh juices.

While I awaited the supplies for my new life, I began to prepare my body for the transition. From Monday through Thursday, I ate only two boiled eggs each day and two bowls of homemade vegetable and bean soup. On Tuesday, I drank my last mug of coffee. I went through throbbing headaches during Wednesday and Thursday as my body withdrew from caffeine.

On Wednesday evening my supplies arrived and I went out and bought some random produce (without a plan of course).

On Friday morning, I woke up ready for my first official all-juice day.

Here's what I "ate" today:

7:00 am: 12 ounces of tap water
7:30 am: 12 ounces of hot water with lemon
9:00 am: 12 ounces of citrus juice (grapefruit, lemon, orange, ginger)
10:00 am: 12 ounces of water
11:00 am: 12 ounces of almond juice (vanilla, almond, dates)
12:00 pm: 12 ounces of water
1:30 pm: 12 ounces of citrus juice (pineapple, lemon, apple)
3:30 pm: 12 ounces of greens (cucumber, parsley, celery, kale, apple)
5:00 pm: a fairly large handful of chipotle peanuts - this was obviously not part of the plan, but I needed something crunchy!
6:00 pm: 12 ounces of root veggies (carrots, beats, apples)
8:00 pm: 12 ounces of vegetable broth (hot!)

It's 8:20pm now and I'm feeling pretty satisfied. Unlike my last juice cleanse (six months ago), I am holding up well and prepared for the long haul. I'm sure the days leading up to today of restricting my dietary intake (no meat or dairy) and giving up coffee a few days in advance were helpful. 

I will report back tomorrow evening.


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